O'Craven's Origins:

      The SS O'Craven dates back all the way to 1715 and the golden age of piracy, in the quiet fishing county of Louth Ireland. Where Captain Cloud and his crew used to make their living by fishing, but after the English scourge began to oppress his village, Captain Cloud outfitted his ship to wage piracy on the English!
   After several years of successful battles against the English frigates the crew of a the  O'Craven found new crew members who were attracted by the success they were having. However, after a little while there was a mutiny staged against the Captain. The Captain and the crew that stood with him were ran through and sent to Davey Jones locker. 

           But this was not the end of our story, but rather the beginning… You see, The Dark lord of the locker tasked them to patrol the lands of the underworld to look out for souls who tried to escape their realms. When the crew came across a Viking by the name of Blood Beard, He knew the pagan little “g” god,  Loki, who would allow Blood Beard how to traverse the realms of the underworld. He claimed he had just come back from the land of the living and was on his way back to Valhalla. It gave the Captain an Idea. They convinced the Viking with the promise of battle and large quantities of rum, to join their crew and help them to make it back to the mortal world. There plan worked but at a great cost. They were now the undead. Their bodies would rot but never die but this curse would aid the crew in their quest for vengeance against the English and the mutineers. 

           Unfortunately, the dread Captain of the underworld, Davey Jones heard the news of their escape. Filled with rage over there betrayal, he made an alliance with Loki to track down O’Craven and bring them back to the locker to face the wrath of Jones. The crew of the SS O'Craven were now on the run...

  The unholy forces of the Damned were in pursuit. Focused only on catching O'Craven,  Loki had allied with the prince of darkness himself, the one and only Devil, who brought a skeleton army with him. They were hot on O’Craven’s wake and out for blood...
     The brave crew of O'Craven had one chance to outrun them. That was by sailing through the Devil's Triangle. While doing so, they picked up a pirate who was adrift on a long boat in the middle of the triangle. In gratitude for saving his life the pirate, “Double Barrel Damrel” told the Captain that he had obtained an ancient magical gold Aztec calendar that allowed him to travel through time. He would help the crew to outrun the unholy pursuit. As Double Barrel dialed in a date, an unearthly green glowing mist, so thick they could not see anything. When the mist finally let up,  they were in a strange new place… 

             O’Craven would have many adventures through time pillaging and pirating while outrunning Davey Jones and his horde. Eventually, O’Craven would settle in the modern day where they had no choice but to lay down their cutlasses, muskets and axes and pick up drumsticks, violins, and guitar axes! They became the face melting, Soul capturing, Celtic, Pirate, Rock band that you know today as O'Craven!